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August 2011

The evolution of jewelry

As I write this, the stock market is in a freefall, US credit has been downgraded for the first time in history, and global fears around debt levels and economic stability seem to lead every newscast.  Tough time to be an investor – and realistically most of our customers are invested in the market in some way or another.  So, how do you make your money work for you?  While I am perhaps the last person to counsel anyone on investment strategies, I do have a couple thoughts…
Jewelry has long been considered an investment – in that you are buying (at least partly) the raw value of precious metals and stones and can expect the commodity value of those aspects to appreciate over time.  Jewelry for men defies this model, since we mostly stick to timepieces as adornments, and most timepieces are not precious metals, or at least their value is not dominated by the value of the commodities they are built from.  When we shop for luxury watches, we look for exceptional performance, bold and timeless style, and a brand that is solid with a reputation for excellence.  William Henry Studio fits that profile, except that we don’t make watches – we make other functional items that belong to men.
When you buy a William Henry, you adorn yourself with something functional and something of enduring and likely increasing value.  We are a great brand, with great products worthy of daily use and of your living legacy to be handed down to future generations – but we are alone in a category largely missing or long forgotten: Jewelry for men.
In a typical luxury retailer of jewelry, there is a store full of objects for women, and a few cases of watches for men.  That’s it, or that was it until WHS came along and offered a collection of other tools worthy of the loftiest luxury environments and aspirations.  We bring men a new range of investment grade jewelry – tools that appreciate over time, supported by a brand that is unwavering in its commitment to excellence and value.
So if you’re getting a little battle weary on the front lines of the stock market, look at WHS as a choice to invest in something real, something concrete, something worthy of your life and your legacy to your inheritors.  The value of a WHS pocket knife, or a pen, or any tool that we make will never be buffeted by the winds of global politics or economics – it will instead by buoyed by the diligent work of a group of artisans and toolmakers who are quietly re-defining the very meaning of jewelry…
Thanks for checking in.
Matt Conable, Founder


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