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December 2007

The William Henry Studio has just introduced an ALL-NEW collection of pocket knives for 2008. For the first time, every piece we make will be part of a numbered limited edition, including the items we show in our 2008 catalog. All catalog items, moving forward, will be limited to 500 pieces (or less). Each of these editions will take between 1.5 and 3 years to complete — many of the pieces debuting in 2008 will still be produced in 2010, as we work towards the 500 number.

Other notes for the new year: We have introduced the B11 Persian, a completely new model that offers graceful and dramatic curves in a compact but functional pocket knife.

2008 ushers in a wide assortment of interframe handles, updating our classic patterns with new looks, optional pocket clips, and a host of new materials.

Retired: William Henry's Model B15 Quest Folder is retired from production — we plan to offer 2 or 3 select limited editions of the B15 later in 2008 as a final send-off of the extraordinary pattern. Remembering back, this design was the collaborative effort of the studio and legendary outdoorsman, author, tracker, and William Henry aficionado Tom Brown.

Retired: The Legacy Series, which put a modern spin on the classic friction folder. These little gems, with solid carbon fiber handles and ZDP-189 alloy blades, were available for a very limited time from the studio.

Retired: William Henry's acclaimed Culinary Collection. A truly great product, our culinary line is being phased out to make room for our expansion into new offerings of writing instruments and other fine personal accessories. A simple case of deciding where to put our resources forced this difficult decision.

Writing instruments: Our first offering of fine William Henry writing instruments, launched in late 2007, was a huge hit. We sold out our production run within a week, and we've been finishing production into February of 2008. New patterns have made it off the drawing board and into prototype status as of this writing — expected delivery of new writing instruments starts in late May.

Awards: Already in 2008, we are the proud recipients of a Gray's Best Award for Accessory, recognizing our B30 Gentac Folder in ironwood, titanium and ZDP-189 for its superlative performance in the field and elegance in any environment. William Henry has also been selected as a finalist for the Niche Award for Forged Metal 2008 (final ballots not cast yet).

Our new catalog will be in print by the end of February, and an interactive version of the catalog is now on our website for your perusal: Catalog

As always, thank you for your continued support of our work here at the William Henry Studio.


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